Odyssey 3D Editor


Odyssey 3D Editor

UI · UX · Frontend Prototyping



Our customers at Odyssey (a company I founded) frequently needed to make adjustments to their imported 3D content due to client feedback. Having to make these changes in Unreal and redeploy the project was an unwieldy process depending on how changes are handled by PM tools, version control, and CICD processes.


I designed all UI/UX for a lightweight 3D editor UI we provided in-app, as well as prototyping JS solutions for our runtime GLTF importer and uploader. My work included wireframes, object drag behavior in JS, final high fidelity UI, and continued UX research that defined further iteration.

As a result customers were able to separate their 3D design process into a simplified workflow:

  • Predicable and infrequent updates to their Unreal 3D content which required redeployment on Odyssey.
  • Faster and low-risk updates that used our in-app editor tool.


Example of editor being used in-app